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How To Cure Constipation According To Ayurveda Treatment?

Constipation(kabz/Vivandh):- In Ayurveda Vivandh or kabziyat resembles to constipation described in modern medical science. It is a disease of slower bowel movment and passes hard or sticky stool with painful defecation.
Elderly peoples are more prone to this condition due to their dietary habbits and unfollow of rules of Dinacharya described by Ayurveda.Females are more prone to this disease rather than Men.

In childrens who are on condensed milk or food from out sides are more sufferer than children who are on breast feedings.
According to Ayurveda:- Constipation occurs when cold and dry nature of Vata get vitiated and disturbed the colon,inhibiting the normal function of Vata.

Constipation Symptoms:-

  • Difficulty in defecation or painful defection.
  • Having hard or sticky stool (due to Aama),or pencil thin stool,
  • Feeling of incomplete evacuation/defecation
  • Need to evacuate with pressure, or feeling uncomforted and trying to evacuate rectum.

Constipation Causes

Change in dietary habbits,drinking less amount of water,consumption of more fatty and fleshy materials,
Spicy and excess oily food items,Obesity,Piles,Ignore the urge of bowel movments(vegadharan),lack of physical activity/sedentary habbits,anxiety,depression ,emotional disturbances are the main causes of this disease. Symptoms:- Heartburn,Headache,Mouth ulcers,belching/bloating,heaviness of abdomen,Hyperacidity,painful defecation,feeling of uneasiness are the general symptoms of this disease.

What to do to get relief from this condition?

# Drink 4-5 litre of water.
# Lemon water is best to take in early morning,
# First boil the water and let it cool down till leukewarm
# Add one medium size lemon juice with water
# Sit in comfortable mode and sip this water slowly
# Walk for 15 minutes in open area

Home Remedies For Constipation:

# Cater oil(Erand tail purified);-  Take one teaspoonful of caster oil in a cup of warm milk/water after meal before bedtime or early in the morning in empty stomach.
It is the safest for females,pregnant womens,old peoples and childrens.

# Papaya:- Take ripe papaya one medium boat size approx. 4cms and add milk in mixer and make shake ,take in morning or at bed has pepen enzyme it digest fats and lubricate the intestine . Its has also properties to detox toxins from body.
#Leenseed/Flaxseed :- Crush 2 tea spoon(10-15gms) flax seed in grinder and add milk 100 ml .take as required. It has soluble fibres and have anti oxidant properties.
# Honey- It has antimicrobial,anti-inflammatory ,anti oxidant properties,In india it is used home remedies for constipation and obesity.
Take 1 teaspoonfull of honey mix with leuke warm water 100ml and drink early in the morning.

Herbal remedies for constipation:-

# Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) : In ayurveda it is described as a mild laxative, anuloman properties,it means it is good for movment of regular bowel,by this enhances evacuation of bowels has also rasayan(rejuvinative properties).

  • Take dried seeds of haritaki roast them in caster oil and make powder .
  • Take 1 teaspoonful powder of haritaki with leuke warm water at bed time.

# Senna leaves:- Make fine powder of cleaned and dried senna leaves and take one teaspoonful with warm water.
It is FDA approved for constipation .
#Psylium (Husk of Planago ovata): In india it is well known as Isabgol husk used for constipation.

It is a bulk forming laxative ,when soaked with water/milk and taken by mouth, the water portion is soaked by gut and make bowel movments much easier as it has a high fibre properties.

  • Take 2 teaspoonfull of Psylium husk and 100ml water or milk.
  • After few minutes it forms like a semiliquid .
  • Drink it either after dinner or in the morning in empty stomach.

# Triphala churna(powder):-

Triphala churna(powder)

It has three fruits namely Amlaki,Haritaki and Bibhitaki.
Amalaki ( Indian gooseberry-Embelica officinalis
Haritaki-(Terminalia chebula)
Vibhitaki-(Terminalia bellerica)
In Ayurveda Triphala is used as Rasayan(rejuvenation),anti oxidants,pacify Tridosha,Eye diseases,Piles and fistula and Constipation since vedic period.It is also useful in obesity,boost immune system,protect the hair and skin,enhances vision and in diabetes.

  • Take equal proportion of these three ingridients and make fine powder with the help of grinder.
  • Keep powder in a airtight container as it easily gets moisture.
  • Take one teaspoonful of powder with warm water at bed time .
  • In some conditions dosage may be increased as per your need.

#Senna Leaves-

Senna Leaves

Make powder at home:-

  • Take senna leaves 30 gms,
  • Triphala 90gms,psyllium husk 60gms,
  • Black salt 20gms,Sunthi(dry ginger)20gms,
  • Saunf(Anise seed) 20gms,
  • Make fine powder in grinder,filter it and keep in a dry air tight container,
  • Take 1 teaspoon ful daily at bed time with leuke warm water.

Do”s and Donts  For Constipation

  • Diet:- Take high fibre content diet.
  • Drink water 4-5 litre a day
  • Do exercise,yoga,jogging ,meditation
  • Take probiotics ,leafy and non leafy vegetables
  • Plenty of Green salads,Sprouts,Fresh fruits like papaya,orange and watermelon,

# Avoid day sleep and sedentary habbits.
# Avoid spicy foods and oily items.
# avoid cake,pastry,
# Avoid over stress or anxiety.
#Do not avoid natural urges like urine and stool.

I hope this blog complete guideline and natural home remedies for constipation and do’s and don’t helpful for you. If you have any health problem so please contact us.

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