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Trayodosa Agni

The biological fire that governs metabolism, agni encompasses all the changes in the body and mind from the dense to the more subtle. Such changes include the digestion and absorption of food, cellular transformations, assimilation of sensory perceptions and mental and emotional experiences. Agni therefore covers whole sequences of chemical interactions and changes in the body and mind. There are 13 types of Agni:


  1. JATHARAGNI (1) (Digestive fire) – It is situated in the small intestine where it converts food of different qualities into one uniform suspension. This is known as the primary digestion which takes place at the gastro- intestinal level.
  2. DHATWAGNI (7) (Tissue fire) – From the primary suspension prepared by the digestive fire, tissues are formed in each tissue channel system by the tissue fire of that channel. These are termed Dhatwagni, and they are seven in number these are each of Dhatus as rasagni,raktagni et This digestion is known as the secondary digestion or tissue digestion. Tissue fire is situated in the liver.
  3. BHUTAGNI (5) (five elemental agnis)- The five Bhutagnis act upon the respective bhautika portions of food and thereby nourish the bhutas in the body. Bhutagni metabolise chyle to elemental components. Liver is their main sit They react biochemically to food partially digested by Jathara- agni, breaking down molecules into atoms, so that the Dhatu-agnis can convert them into seven tissue-layers, Dhatus.
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