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The word Prakriti is derived from a Sanskrit word which means the natural form of our body constitution which is fixed at the time of creation. They include both the physical and psychological constitution and the three doshas mainly works on these factors which when there is an imbalance results in illness. Once these constitutions of the body is fixed it does not changes.

The main factors which determine Prakriti are Sukra-Shonit Prakruti (Condition of sperm-ovum), Kala-garbhasaya Prakruti (Condition of uterus) and Matu- ahar Prakruti (Food regimen adopted by mother, during pregnancy).

According to Ayurveda there are seven types of Prakruti where a combination of the three doshas manifests each individual. They are like:

  1. Mono types- vata, pitta or kapha predominant
  2. Dual types – vata-pitta, pitta-kapha or, kapha-vata
  3. Equal types- vata, pitta and kapha in equal proportions
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